Monday, November 14, 2011

Diffusion and Osmosis Lab

     In our labs we saw diffusion and osmosis occur. Diffusion can occur in any substances like dye, iodine, and many other liquid and gas substances.  Diffusion is when a substance spreads or moves around an area.       For example if you spray and bottle of perfume it takes awhile for the person across the room to smell  the substance, the person next to you will smell it fast. The reason why the person can smell the perfume has to do with diffusion and the substance moving and spreading out.  On the other hand osmosis is a type of diffusion.  The only difference is that osmosis only occurs in water.
      We put four substance in Dialysis Tubing and measured the weight of each tube in grams.  We measured each tube before we put it in the water, after the tube has been in the water for an hour, and the next day.  We got three different times of measurements.  The four substances we put in the Dialysis Tubes were sodium acetate, antacid tablets, corn syrup, and sodium bicarbonate.  In the graph below it shows the weight of each bag and we observed if diffusion occurred.  We set up this experiment as a group.  We measured each tube in grams.  Diffusion and osmosis occurred in each testing tube.  The graph below shows are results from our lab.

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