Thursday, October 27, 2011

Cell Membrane Structure

     Cells are composed of two distinctive environments.  The two distinctive environments are Hydrophilic aqueous cytoplasm and hydrophobic lipid membranes.  There are three members of the lipids family that i have learned, the three members are fats, phospholipids, and steroids.
     The structure of lipids are made up of 16 to 18 carbons.  Lipids are hydrophobic, that means that they don't like water.  Lipids do many things in organisms, they are components of wax, pigments, steroid hormones, and cell membranes.  Phospholipids are very important function in cell membranes.  Fats are synthesized from two different classes of molecules.  Fatty acids are 16 to 22 carbons long.  Fatty acids can be two types: saturated or unsaturated.  Saturated fatty acids have no carbon-carbon double bond, which is more healthier than unsaturated fatty acids.  Unsaturated fatty acids are sticky and lumpy, which crowd you body and their not healthy.  "Kinks"  are what the carbon-carbon double bonds are called.  The double carbon bonds are not to healthy for you.
    Phospholipids contain only two fatty acids attached to a glycerol head.  The phosphate is the head of the phospholipids.  3 carbons make up a glycerol.  One carbon is attached to the phosphate.  The other two carbons are attached to fatty acids.  The  fatty acids attached to the other two carbon could be saturated fatty acids or unsaturated fatty acids.  These are the simples functions of a cell membrane structure.
Click here to see the site where i got this information.

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