Friday, November 18, 2011

Microscope Skills

    After working with a microscope I understand how to use one.  Microscope are used to zoom in or see things that aren't visible to the human eye.  The microscope shows detailed characteristics. When I was looking in the microscope i examined my hair, saliva, pond water, and soap water.  The pond water was really interesting because there were little protists moving around in the water.  There is no way I could of seen them with out a microscope.  It was very cool.  Soap water looked really cool too.  It should up like in black and white under a microscope.  Microscopes are used in many labs all around the world.  They are used to help see things that are not visible to the human eye, now I know why they are important and I know how to work one.  The picture below shows all the parts of the microscope.

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