Friday, September 9, 2011

Water Experiment

 Yesterday we did a water experiment to try and understand the properties of water.  First of all we put water on a penny.  We had to count and see how many drops of water would cover the surface of the penny before spilling off.  We also tried it with alcohol.  Next we put a drop of water on a piece of wax paper and observed the shape and the way it appeared.  After we were looking at it we tried and split the water drop in half.  It was really hard to split it into two's.  Then we tried to make water move on a string.  This was really frustrating but it was fun.  Our teacher also should us a lot of cool videos on water and how  it moves.  Water has a really strong bond.  Us humans need water to survive, our body is made up of like 70 percent of water.  Water has a very strong bond.  Mr. Ludwig gave us examples of how a tree gets water.  The water is like a bond that goes straight up and goes through the tree.  The way the water stays together is cohesion thats were the water molecules stick together.  The water molecules are attached to the tree cells thats called adhesion.  We also learned what hydrogen bonds are.  Thats when the hydrogen is attracted to electrons and they are joined together.  This is what we all did and learned in the water experiment we did yesterday.

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