Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Antacid Experiment

In the antacid experiment we measured the PH levels of vinegar, Rolaids, the ghetto brand,  Tums, and Liquid antacid.  The first thing my group tested was the vinegar.  The PH level was 3.  Rolaids had a pretty high PH level with 7.  After we tested the Rolaids we tested the ghetto brand of tums.  Its kind of weird because the ghetto brand had a PH level with 5 and Tums had a PH level between 6 and 7.  The last thing we tested was a liquid antacid.  The PH level was 7.  I noticed that when we mix vinegar with the antacid they are around the middle of the PH level scale. Every antacid was mixed with vinegar they balance each other out.  This experiment was very cool and u never knew what was going to happen with the mixtures of the antacid and the vinegar.  The graph below shows our data of this experiment.  The vinegar had a very low ph level.  This graph shows which antacid had a higher ph level.  The ghetto brand had a way lower ph level then the name brands rolaids and tums.  Rolaids had .5 ph level higher than tums.  Truly this is what concludes the graph below.

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