Friday, September 2, 2011


      Through out the first web site, the scientific method is very important to scientists. Hypothesis are what you come up with.  A hypothesis is what you are testing.  A hypothesis can be correct or incorrect, its kinda like your own guess.  Makes sure before you come up with a hypothesis you come up with, or ask a question about what your experiment is about.  After you come up with your hypothesis you preform an experiment.  An experiment is the testing you do to see if your hypothesis is correct or not.  After you perform an experiment you collect all of the data.  The data is very important because its the results of your experiment.   Last, after you collect data, you form a conclusion.  The conclusion should explain everything you did in the experiment and the data you collect.  This is what i have learned on the scientific method.
      The independent and dependent variables are important.  In the experiment the ECB is the independent because its the only variable thats affects the outcome of the experiment.  The independent variable should always be the variable thats is different from each other.   The dependent variable in the experiment is how much the corn grows.  So the height of the corn depends on how many bugs are around the corn.  The independent variable is the number of bugs there are, and the dependent variable is  how high the corn crops grow. A control experiment is an experiment that the observations looked over. In the corn experiment if there was two jars with the same type of corn that would be the control.  In a controlled experiment there are usually more than one trial tested.  A placebo is a liquid, powered, or a pill that has no effect on the outcome of the experiment.  In some trials of an experiment the group control will receive a placebo instead of something that effects it or changes the results.  In a double blind  trial the person who receives the item doesn't know what is going to happen, the person who gives the item aways doesn't know what will happen.  For example if the doctor gives a person a pill, either of them won't know what will happen, so its known as a double blind trial.  This is what i have learned so far about standard four.

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