Friday, February 10, 2012


-What are stem cells?
Stem cells are many types of cells that divide into many other types of cells. It matters if the cells are in multipotent or pluripotent, the both are repairing systems, that can divide as many times as they want.

-What are the different types of stem cells, and where do they come from?
The different types of stem cell are multipotent or pluripotent, and they come from many other cells like, red blood cells, muscle cells, or brain cells. The stem cells mainly come from human embryos. 
-Pluripotent stem cells can give rise to any type of cell in the body except those needed to support and develop a fetus in the womb.
-Stem cells that can give rise only to a small number of different cell types are called multipotent.

-What is the potential for new medical treatments using stem cells?
The purpose for using stem cells as medical treatments is because if some one is healthy, they can take that stem cell out.  They can freeze it over time and inject it in some one else who needs it.  They are mainly injected to the immune system to help people get better.

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