Tuesday, May 8, 2012


This lab was crazy.  We transformed bacteria to glow.  It was very interesting how we did. We had for containers with bacteria in them.  We put two containers that consists of plasmid.  Plasmid consists with many genes like the green genes and other genes.  The test tubes with out the plasmid was our control just to see the changes with the plasmid. We kept putting the test tubes in ice then in hot water.  This is called a heat shock, this is because the bacteria will open and allow the plasmid to enter into the the bacteria to give it another gene.  After this we put the test tubes into an incubator at 37 degrees Celcius.  The next day we would take them out and put them under a UV light.  One of our test tubes that is mixed with plasmid glowed up.  This was very crazy.  I didn't think it would work but it did.  Many scientists around the world are doing this same process to many organisms like they are making glowing cats, and glowing mice.  It is very crazy how they can put a glowing gene into a figure.  This glowing bacteria lab was very interesting maybe someday I will get to make a glowing cat that would be fun.

This is the photo I took of the glowing bacteria we made. It glows when under a UV Light. It was very interesting.  The glowing is from the plasmid which was injected into the bacteria

                                                            These are the test tubes we used.  The ones with the minus - signs
                                                             are our controls they didn't have plasmid in them. The ones with  
                                                             the plush + sign consists with plasmid.

<==== The Glowing mice.  This is what scientists are doing.
            They kinda did the same process we did wit our bacteria this
           would be crazy to see.  They put a gene into the mice which    
           makes them glow.  Scientists are also doing this with many
           other creatures like cats.